Friday, March 30, 2012

Goodbyes and Hellos

Today was the last business day of this fiscal year.

I'm so bad at saying good byes...but this time around, I'm the one leaving my sector. And although my new position will only mean that I have to move a little bit down the office and I can still see everyone everyday, it's still good bye.

Spring means an end to many thing here in Japan. It's not only the end of the fiscal year for most companies but also the end of the school year, which means graduation season. It also means that these plum blossoms won't be around anymore either.

But along with good byes bring a new round of hellos, which is always a little nerve wrecking and at the same time a wonderful thing. So I'm looking forward to the fresh new start I'll be facing starting next week. I'm excited for April because it means many new hellos...and also the cherry blossoms all of us are looking forward to!

Are you ready for April?

Enjoy looking at more beautiful skies all around the world here.


  1. Yes, I'm ready.

  2. gorgeous blossoms! i am also looking forward to April. endings mean beginnings.:p

  3. Beautiful shots. Good luck with your new job.

  4. Beautiful Blossoms! I wish I can be there watching this. Have a great weekend!

  5. I've been ready since LAST April! Can't wait for the pink froth to arrive. :)

    Good luck again in your new job!

  6. Have to admit, that I can't wait for this month to end.

    Please have a good weekend and new month ahead.

  7. Wow! Beautiful shot! Change is good!

  8. Love this! When we went to Japan, I saw lots of beautiful postcards like this, but we did go in July, so it was not blooming anymore.

    Happy weekend!

  9. I like the deep colors.

    You don’t need me to tell you not to worry. It is in your nature not to worry. Worrying is counterproductive. It is like walking to your local train station and stopping at every side street and wondering what misfortune could possibly befall you down there. Then stopping to look in every shop and at every house wondering what tragedies have, could, or will happen within. Then backtracking to the side street again to wonder some more about different misfortunes... It is so much better to single-mindedly walk straight ahead, your only goal just a few yards ahead of you. Before you know it you are at the train station ready for your next goal.

    Not only Eugen Herrigal and his “Zen and the Art of Archery,” and the Chinese internal martial art T'ai Chi Ch'uan, but now Western scientists too are starting to get clued in on the value of focus and reducing mental chatter.

    Worrying just leads us down the path we are worried about. Focusing on goals leads us to our goals.

    My apologies, like I said, you don’t need me to tell you this.

  10. Thank you for all your comments! I'm really enjoying the learning process and being the newbie. Hope you are all enjoying April as well :D

  11. The end of the fiscal year and blossoming trees, strange match...

  12. With you smarts, you'll ace the new job, Kaori. Just remember you're there to learn first, perform later. At least that is how I approach my new work. You can send me this gorgeous blosson, too. I was out with a family tomb sweeping all day and did not find even one pretty blossom, apart from the single floral arrangement left on one of the graves. :-(

    1. "Learn first, perform later." What great advice, Francisca! Thank you. My head actually hurts sometimes because I'm trying to cram all of the information in at once. And although I'm not sure exactly how well I'm doing, I'm really enjoying this learning process.

      Oh, and I'll see what I can do about sending you those blossoms ;D

  13. Lovely!!! Good luck with your new endeavors!!!


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